Below are 2 pictures of the garden when it was first planted. You'll notice in the picture that there is a large pile of dirt/gravel that Ken had to take off the top of the garden. We're not really sure what that's about--- we're renting and we suspect that the garden area was used as a garbage/lawn waste area at some point.

Here is the garden after a couple weeks...

And pictures from a couple days ago...
The top image is of the big garden where we've planted lots of different greens, herbs, beans, peas and pea pods, beets, squash, etc. The bottom image is of the tomato/pepper/eggplant bed which is separate from the rest of the garden.

I'll post more pictures of the garden soon and I think we'll probably be having our first salad of garden greens sometime in the next week. I can hardly wait!
Until then-- Here's a picture of an activity that I've found to often go hand in hand with gardening. The grill was a gift from Ken's parents for his birthday. Thanks again Andy and Diane!

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