With all of the houseguests we've had recently, I've had the opportunity to brush up on my brunch cooking skills. To the right you'll see pictures of a banana coffee cake. This recipe is amazing and combines the best parts of banana bread and coffee cake.

I found the recipe in one of my mother's old cookbooks, The Anderson House
Cookbook. The cookbook is from a lovely bed and breakfast that my parents used to frequent in Wabasha, MN. The
Anderson House is located near the Mississippi River and at 150 years old, is the oldest bed and breakfast in Minnesota.

This cookbook is a compilation of recipes that have been collected and served at the Anderson House since it first opened. Accompanying many of the recipes, you'll find historical accounts about the origins of a recipe or how the inn used to operate.

All in all, its an excellent and fascinating cookbook and has old hearty Minnesotan recipes that you couldn't find anywhere else.
Below the coffee cake, there are a couple images of a spinach, caramelized onion, goat cheese, and chive quiche. My aunt is a master of quiches and she has inspired me to also often serve them for brunches. I think Ken would get sick of eating them on so many Sunday mornings if they weren't so versatile and, um, really really good.